Sailing Through History! 5th grade Metropolis Elementary School

We were one of two donors for this project.  

The teacher for this fifth grade class is Mrs. Warren.

Here is the teachers description of the project.

My Students

Many of my students come from low-income homes and do not have the resources to help them to continue to grow academically. Despite the challenges some of my children face in and out of the classroom, they are eager to learn and do their best.

I want my students to be able to walk in their classroom and be surrounded with an abundance of fun and educational resources that will help encourage them to want to explore and continue to learn.

My Project

Please help my students have fun while learning about history. Currently, we are using old textbooks that the students dread to open. The Weekly Social Studies packets keeps it interesting while the kids learn about their ancient ancestors past to present times. I have used these Weekly Studies in the past with my other students and they have proven to be more effective and entertaining. I also love them because they come with all the worksheets and tests that go with each lesson, not to mention that each lesson is aligned with Common Core and up to date with incorporating holidays.

You can read more about this project at this link.


Listen Up For Tolerance! Sixth Grade. Jefferson Elementary, Massac County, IL.

Beau Dodson Weather was one of nine donors for this project.

The teacher is Mrs. Kennedy.

Here is the project in her words.

My students need headphones for group listening centers in the music room.

My Students

I teach elementary music, band, and choir at two small schools in our district. In my music classroom, we are learning the fundamentals of music, like notation and rhythm. Music should be a fun class to attend, so we like to learn by playing games and getting out instruments. The students have music once per week for forty minutes.

We have a very enthusiastic group of students who love to learn and have fun at the same time.

My students show such pride in their school, district, and our town.

My Project

My students need several pairs of headphones to add to our listening centers. We currently have enough for half of the students in each class. This project would allow each student their own set of headphones to use for various listening activities in the music classroom.

Listening to different types of music is so important for students.


My students will be able to form small groups and choose a piece for the group to listen to, instead of the entire class listening to the same thing. My students will be able to listen to music from all over the world in small groups, helping to promote tolerance. They will also have the ability to adjust the volume, pause, and restart the song. Having enough headphones for each student to have their own will make listening to new music a more personal and enjoyable experience.


Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Jefferson Elementary School.

This was a fun project and I was happy to help support it.

Ms. Weatherbee is the sixth grade school teacher. 

Click photos to view all of them.

This is her words and her project

My Students

I have a classroom full of seventeen energetic students this year. Our school is in a rural area, and the students that I teach come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Our school serves students in grades K-6 and provides rigorous academics, loving teachers, and a safe learning environment. As a result, we are consistently one of the top-performing schools in our district every year

I have high expectations for my students, and I love to see the look of accomplishment on their faces when they achieve a new goal.

I look forward to making new and exciting experiences available to them whenever possible.

My Project

Having access to an iPad in the classroom will give my students the ability to take Accelerated Reader tests as soon as they turn the last page in their books. With limited time to use our school computer lab, the students need other means of taking tests. This iPad would also be used for other classroom projects, such as our digital book reports and robotics unit.

Finding the "right book" for students is essential for them to build both confidence and proficiency.

Classroom libraries should include many types of books for the various interest levels of the students. I read the first book in the Baseball Card Series, Honus and Me, to my students a few weeks ago. It was so exciting to see how captivated the entire class was! When we finished the book and I told them that there was an entire series revolving around the character in the book, they were quick to ask if I had the other books. I knew then that I had captured the interest of some of my students who had not previously shown much enthusiasm for reading.

Click photos to view all of them.

Rockin' Music Students Need Ukuleles! Mayfield, Kentucky.

We were one of nine donors to this project.  

This is Mrs. Wheeler's classroom.  She teaches at Sedalia Elementary School in Mayfield, Kentucky.

I love music and this is a musical project!

Click photos to view all of them.

This is her words and her project.

My students need these ukuleles to take their musicianship to the next level.

I have chosen the ukulele because they are small and easier for children to learn to play than other string instruments.

My hope is that after learning to play the basics on the ukulele in music class, students will develop a deeper understanding of folk songs and how they relate to our nation's history. We will develop more thoroughly skills they have already learned and learn new musical concepts and skills that coincide with learning to play a new instrument.

My deepest desire is that after intriguing them and piquing their interest, students will further develop their skills and become lifelong musicians. This is an instrument that is easy to carry, affordable, and they could potentially write their own songs and music for as they further develop their talents when they leave my elementary school.

Click photos to view all of them.

Flexible Seating for a 21st Century Classroom - Take Two! Calvert City, KY

We were one of thirteen sponsors of this project.

This is Mrs. Donohoo's class.  She teachers at Calvert City Elementary School. 

Click photos to view all of them.

This was her project.

My Project

My hope is to be able to create a 21st century classroom where my students experience a type of atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging. Students tend to lose focus while being forced to sit at desks all day. With various seating options available to them, my students will be able to engage in work where they feel the most comfortable. Some students may gather around a table to work on a group project while kneeling on cushions. Others may choose to sit at a table on stability balls so that they may still be somewhat active. Flexible seating options also allow students with attention disorders and special needs the opportunity to work in a way that best suits them.

Click photos to view all of them.



September 19, 2017: Collaborative Desks Promote Tolerance 3

Beau Dodson Weather was one of five donors for this project.  This has actually been an ongoing project (there were additional tables purchased in separate fund raisers).

Mrs. Thomasson teaches at Jefferson Elementary in Massac County, Illinois. 

In her third grade classroom, students work on many group lessons and projects, and through the course of these lessons she teaches her students many life lessons. She teaches them it is O.K. to make mistakes because that is how we learn, but it is disrespectful to make fun of those who give a wrong answer. She teaches her students how to work out conflicts within their groups peacefully while making sure that each voice is heard. She teaches them how to work together and to stand up for one another. She teaches her students to be tolerant of one another so that they then know how to be tolerant of others in the world around us. This project is marked as number three. She had two other projects that also include 2 desks each. She would like to work over the next year and get enough for the entire class.

Teaching kids how to interact and exchange ideas while being mindful of their language and behavior toward others is crucial to the future of our society. ~ Mrs. Thomasson

September 19, 2017: Fire Up the Learning! Twenty Amazon Fire Tablets.

This was a big project.  Beau Dodson Weather was one of fourteen donors.  

Mrs. Gooch teaches at Fulton County Elementary Middle School in Hickman, Kentucky.

Her students are of a diverse population within a rural community. Each student is unique and capable of success given the proper resources and support. She has 23 students in her Kindergarten classroom who are developing their foundational skills to become successful and productive throughout their educational career.

I feel that technology can play a significant part in the development and progression of my students learning skills and will have a positive impact in the classroom. ~ Mrs. Gooch

Many of her students do not have access to technology at home and the technology within their classroom is limited. Only 20% of her students are fluent with computer and technology skills due to some type of outside influence. The other 80% of her students have little to no opportunities outside the classroom to explore the world using some type of technology.

This was a great project!